Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Inspiration

Just a few images of the things rolling through my mind this week:

These just look sinful! As one of those strange people who adore candy corns, I have put this one on my must try list. You can find the recipe at I'm definitely going to try these out for our halloween party on Saturday.
Spooky Brownie Bites
Bake a pan of brownies and let cool on a rack. When cool enough to handle, turn upside down and spill onto waxed paper. Cut the hard outer edge of brownies off and discard (if you have the willpower - I ate ours, he he).
With a large round scoop, spoon scoops of brownie out of the soft inside. Use your fingers to shape into a ball while pushing the crustier parts into the center.
After all the brownie is formed into balls, roll them into colored sugar or sprinkles. Store in a sealed container in the fridge. These can be made up to three days in advance, and they are still soft and yummy!

Halloween decor ideas(for next year!!)

Jamberry Nails - really loving this blog right now and all her fun ideas! I'm definitely going to try this one. Going to check first to see if any salons in my area do it for you - first.

Halloween costumes for our family: RJ - dinosaur, Payton - kitty cat, myself - Erin Andrews. (we are dressed up at school today- I've got the microphone and name tag, but left the blonde wig at home.)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Carve it up!

Time to carve our pumpkin! The kids were excited and helped me with ideas for our pumpkin face. RJ even had the great idea to plant the pumpkin seeds to see if we will grow our own pumpkins. (I think he would love living on a farm!) So I put Roby in charge of the camera to get some 'action' shots. He did a pretty good job I thought!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pizza night and some practice

The kids got to make their own pizza last night. I really like to have the kids help me in the kitchen. They really enjoy doing any hands on stuff and if that includes cracking open eggs or making pizza they are all for it! We didn't even have to ask them to finish their dinner... (for once.) They were more than ready to try their creation.

(Practice shots... keeping the pizza focused while also getting the kids in the background.)

Pink isn't just for girls.

RJ was encouraged to wear pink on Tuesday to support Breast Cancer. Although he has no idea what this is... he was reminded that someone very near and dear to him had gone through something with this just last year. He was excited to wear a pink ribbon for his Mimi!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Break

We are officially trying to overcome the Fall Break blues around here. Fall Break is so great during the week, but then comes the end. Hard to get myself back in the school groove, much less the kids. We had a great week all together... sad to see my volleyball season come to an end, but that meant more time with the family, which I have looked forward to for so long. We slept in (a little, does 7 am count?) Sometimes 8 am if I could get Payton to watch Dora! We also went to the park, movies, pumpkin patch, shopped, and completed a few projects at home.

A very dusty, dirty pumpkin patch... but the kids loved it!
Insert the words: "I'm King of the World" here. He's too funny.... not even sure where he heard this... Morning playtime on back patio... LOVE the way he laughs.

She loved this slide... dirt and all.

Can you feel his excitement?! He loved this, needless to say.
Trying to sneak in some early Christmas pictures...
Having fun at the hay jump

New game: Lego maze Minotaurus. I can't even guess how many hours we spent playing this game together!

Making me some snacks in the outdoor playhouse.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Daily life...

These pictures may not seem like much, but they are so important to me. There are not many afternoons I get to be home with the kids or even get to pick them up from school. So on days like this I can't help but just sigh, and try to enjoy every second of it. With my current schedule, I'm not usually home until after 5 at the earliest so I miss all the afternoon fun!

Miss Payton watching Dora with her baby doll.

RJ is working on homework activities and making sticker pages for his friends and teacher.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dancing with the Family!

We are getting in the Halloween spirit around the Brooks' house! Our kitchen has turned into our improptu dance floor for the past few days. These two little munchkins have some good moves! Make sure to check out the booty shakin'!

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