Thursday, October 25, 2012

Not to brag... (but it is my blog)

I don't really mean to brag about my son, but here goes... (ha!) 

He is doing excellent this year in 1st grade.  We decided to hold him back this school year to help with his leadership skills and maturity level. I am proud to say - so far, so good. He was used in the Open House video to show the entire grade level parents about how the school tests the students.  He is also being used as a teacher buddy to his peers for those students who need more help with sight words or math.  He loved the idea of being a 'teacher' to his friends. (I'm hoping it also helps with his patience level.) He also wrote a wonderful journal and picture about stingrays that was displayed at the door to his classroom.

His teacher rewarded him with some fun treats for being the 'star' of the Open House video.

I love seeing this smile. 
I love hearing positive comments about school when I ask him how his day went.
I love hearing funny stories of things he is learning on 'the bus.'
I love that he loves school. 
(and so very thankful!)

Pumpkin patch time

It has become a tradition to visit the local pumpkin patch every Fall.  The kids usually take a field trip this time of year also, but they were both going to different places so we headed out one Sunday afternoon to our local spot.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall is here...

Field trips, pumpkin patches, football games, parades... Fall is officially here!

Flag football CHAMPIONS!

Book character parade at school... Where's Waldo? We found him!

School field trip to the pumpkin patch... he was excited to pick out the biggest one!

Corn hole

Homecoming parade with the football team

Homecoming parade - Flag football Champions

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Paint, paint and more paint

This weekend I managed to paint the nursery (at 30 weeks pregnant)!! I really do like projects like this so it didn't seem that big a deal to me.  I love the outcome! Now I'm feeling even more motivated to get the rest of the room together. I even ordered the monogram inital for the wall over the crib yesterday! I painted one wall a pale pink just like the picture below with the rest of the walls a light grey. I've just got a little touch up work that needs to be done.

Here are a few pictures of my inspiration for the nursery...

All photos from Pinterest board - Baby #3

I'll post pictures of the finished product in a few weeks. Time to get this room ready for arrival of a new little one!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm back?!

I have been debating all summer about what to do with this blog... I had really given up on the idea of having a cute, stylish, fun blog. I have even played around with starting another blog that wasn't so family oriented, but then I realized I'm really not that interesting. Ha!

I guess after reading all these blogs about beauty, fashion, crafts and everything else I was comparing myself to professional bloggers and that wasn't fair.  I started my blog to mostly keep in touch with family and friends that live far away and I should stay true to that. So, ultimately I'm starting to miss it.  And, boy, has a lot been going on!

So, now the question is how do I catch you all up on our summer and the start to Fall?!!  With lots of pictures I guess...

Catching up:  We had an amazing summer!  Pool time, beach time, family time... it was a lot of fun for the full 2 months! We celebrated a beautiful wedding in July, headed to a Braves game and then got ready for the back to school grind.  I have finished 2 color races while pregnant... the first at 5 weeks and the second at 27 weeks pregnant.  What an experience! Fall has begun in our neck of the woods, which also means high school football games, youth football season, dance and gym classes, school activities, field trips... whew... I need to sit down!

I am also excited to see Fall here because that means I am that much closer to meeting our newest family member.  She is growing every day and I swear I can feel every move she makes. Which, of course, is such a special moment that I look forward to the next one every time.  I want to cherish each of these moments!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fun times in May

The month of May has really flown by!  Here are some things we have been up to:

Tournament runner-up for Team NO FEAR Gators!

Afternoon walks with mom to spot rabbits, ducks, fish, turtles... 

1st Dance Recital

Flowers from family for recital

Celebrating Mother's Day with Mimi in town with us

Field trip with classmates to local museum

Receiving her first gymnastics medal

State Champs!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Let's just chalk up the absence from the past few weeks to being in my first trimester blah's... ok? Thanks.

I finally have started feeling like I have come out of the rut that is the beginning stage of pregnancy... the yucks.  Some days are still better than others.  I had a good few days earlier, now I'm back in the heartburn in my throat yuck, burping all day yuck and miserable feeling after eating yuck...

Yeah! On to brighter subjects... we have been one busy family during this spring baseball/tball/dance season.  The kids are loving all their after school activities and I'm loving the fact they are so tired when we get home that falling asleep is easier and easier.

Friday, April 13, 2012


We have some exciting news in our family....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter fun

Easter festivities this year for us... an all weekend hosting affair.  We had friends and families join us for our first ever glow in the dark egg hunt.  It was so much fun! (Idea from Pinterest) I found packs of glow sticks in the Target dollar spot... gotta love stopping by there.

The kids pitched in and 'cracked' the glow sticks while the adults crammed the eggs shut.  Word of advice: use large eggs. *Small eggs are not conducive for stuffing glow sticks in. *Tape does help!

The night pictures really don't do it justice... it was pretty to look out and see all these little glowing eggs everywhere!  And the kids absolutely loved it! This will definitely be an annual tradition for us!

Easter Sunday we all headed to church and gathered again for a traditional egg hunt. 
Only problem with egg hunts is once is never enough. :)

Color Madness - ATL

A first for me - I ran without timing myself and really didn't care. It was for fun and with friends.  I participated in the Atlanta Color Run on Saturday morning... definitely a race you have to do! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do it and to be around friends at the same time.

Checking in for the race... we decided to buy an extra race shirt,
so we could end up with a clean and a colored version.

The before pictures:

During the race:
just passed through green station

On to the pink station:
(notice the bright pink in the air right above the heads in the photo?)


Overall - a ton of fun! We are already talking about doing another one!!

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