Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm back?!

I have been debating all summer about what to do with this blog... I had really given up on the idea of having a cute, stylish, fun blog. I have even played around with starting another blog that wasn't so family oriented, but then I realized I'm really not that interesting. Ha!

I guess after reading all these blogs about beauty, fashion, crafts and everything else I was comparing myself to professional bloggers and that wasn't fair.  I started my blog to mostly keep in touch with family and friends that live far away and I should stay true to that. So, ultimately I'm starting to miss it.  And, boy, has a lot been going on!

So, now the question is how do I catch you all up on our summer and the start to Fall?!!  With lots of pictures I guess...

Catching up:  We had an amazing summer!  Pool time, beach time, family time... it was a lot of fun for the full 2 months! We celebrated a beautiful wedding in July, headed to a Braves game and then got ready for the back to school grind.  I have finished 2 color races while pregnant... the first at 5 weeks and the second at 27 weeks pregnant.  What an experience! Fall has begun in our neck of the woods, which also means high school football games, youth football season, dance and gym classes, school activities, field trips... whew... I need to sit down!

I am also excited to see Fall here because that means I am that much closer to meeting our newest family member.  She is growing every day and I swear I can feel every move she makes. Which, of course, is such a special moment that I look forward to the next one every time.  I want to cherish each of these moments!

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