Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thankful for normal.

Just a regular afternoon/evening with our family...  which usually includes some kind of ball practice or dance class followed by a meal together.

Afternoon snack before ballet class... thrilled to find a P in her cheezits.

Camo day at school to honor Dr. Seuss week

Celebrating National Pancake Day for dinner

Monday, February 27, 2012

A full day.

This past Saturday was a fun-filled day! First on the agenda... ballet pictures for my little ballerina.  She absolutely loves her costume and it couldn't have been better colors (for her, that is).  We were in full on girly gear by 10 am - make-up and gelled down hair! 

As soon as the ballet pictures were finished, we were off to big brother's basketball game - his last of the season.  Their team has improved so much in just a few weeks.  They all had a really good time and had a lot of fun learning about basketball together.

From there, the Jimmy Buffett concert was next on the day's schedule.  It was a blast! I was so excited to get to attend one of his concerts... even better it was in his home state of Alabama.  There were so many Alabama references and songs... it was a special concert.  Plus, I got to go with this beautiful friend so that made it even more fun! (Please excuse blurry concert pics... it was the best I could get!)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Baseball season is here...

It is officially time for baseball here in the South!  Seems like every open field you see is being occupied by little league teams for baseball practice.  RJ has officially started his travel ball practices with their first tournament in a couple of weeks.  Payton is playing 4/5 year old tball for the first time with Madison. She is super excited to have Madison on the team with us and so are we!!  Amy took some pictures last night of our first practice.  It was a lot of fun!  RJ was even an assistant coach for the night!

Kids Camp Weekend

I guess this is the just the beginning of many overnight stays to come... I have to remind myself he is 7 years old.  At first thought, I was excited for RJ to attend the Kids Camp Weekend with our church.  But as the day got closer I was getting more and more nervous.  But we have an awesome kids group and leaders at our church so that helped put my mind at ease, a little.  This little boy was beyond excited to go... even though I'm not sure he changed his socks at all the entire time... he had a blast. 

They had a campfire and smores the first night, (he promises me he took a shower this night?!), early morning wake up call followed by deep woods hike (probably where we picked up the friend), had to leave for a basketball game, back in time for some field games and an evening with 'Sam the Balloon Man'.   He was soooo tired when we saw him on Sunday morning.  It is usually hard to keep his little body still during the hour long church service... but this time he just laid his head down in my lap the whole time.  He was exhausted!

Packed and ready to go!

 RJ and buddies playing in one of the cabins at Camp Lee

Singing at church with all the kids from the weekend trip... seriously, the front row was mostly RJ's age kids and they were all barely standing... most had their heads down from pure exhaustion!! 

But what would any weekend be without bringing home a friend?! We found this tick on RJ when we got home and started to put him in the bath... so fun!  I know it doesn't look like much but to say RJ was freaking out about this thing would be an understatement!

Lindsey arrives!

My cousin Lindsey flew in for President's Day weekend from Chicago.  I'm sure it was a big change from her downtown Chicago lifestyle... but the kids really enjoyed having her here with us!

Payton, of course, loved all the attention from Lindsey while RJ was gone to Kids Weekend Camp for a couple of days.  They painted nails, played hair, played 'Pop the Pig', played with the photobooth app on the iPad, we ate dinner at Los Mex, even went for a late night of bowling and even later dinner at BW3.  We had a great weekend with Lindsey! Thanks so much for staying with us. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy ♥ Day!

The kids really look forward to their Valentine parties at school.  They also really like 'making' their Valentines.  I think it is so much more fun for the kids to make something or create their own cards.  I hope I can cultivate the creativity in them while they are growing up so they do the same when they have kids.  (Thanks, Mom!) 

Payton really got into it this year and loved being my helper!  She kept asking me what she could do, or what's next?  So we got busy last night finishing up the class valentines. 

Filling her cups for classmates...

Handwriting her name on her cards... (notice the lefty, not my Firehouse sub?!)

RJ's completed Valentine card... (he was at practice, but helped when he got home.)

Payton's completed Valentine card

Night Out!

We celebrated our Valentine's Day date night a little early this year with great friends... first, we headed to our local japanese steakhouse for a great dinner. They were even taking volunteers for the 'egg roll' trick.

Next, we headed to the local painting place "Community Canvas" for a couples night Valentine painting. This seems to be an annual event with us, since we have gone 3 out of the last 4 years.  And, the best part is you get to leave with a unique painting created by you!  We have all of our paintings all over our house.  You would be surprised how much the guys get into it and how worried us girls get at what they are doing... (we sit facing each other so you can't see the other half of the painting until the end when they are put together!)

The boys getting ready to paint... our artist "Quiche" in the yellow jacket - she's great!

Roby always has fun and turns out is a really good painter!

 My half of the painting...

The big reveal....


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Party Pictures

So here are the much anticipated party pictures from the big rockin' 4 year celebration!

Happy Birthday Payton!

 She was so looking forward to her cake and candles!

Lalaloopsy inspired cake made by Too Nice To Slice

She loved being the center of attention... 

Pinterest inspired birthday banner made from burlap

The big surprise... the Lalaloopsy playhouse!
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