Thursday, January 19, 2012


I must say I do like routines.  I do like knowing what is coming next. On the other hand, I also love surprises and trying new things (I guess as long as I'm comfortable with them.?) Make sense?  My oldest child is much like me in that he 'works' better with routines and guidelines in place.

So while we loved being away for the extended Marathon weekend with our family, we (meaning momma) also looked forward to getting back into the routines. 

So here's to another routine, structured, fun-filled week...

Saturday mornings full of basketball...
Tuesdays at Ballet... she is loving chocolate milk lately!

Loving my necklace from a friend...

Our afternoon rides home from school together... (a favorite - to hear about their day)

Play time at home... working with Lego's

Play time for this one - painting nails and putting fake nails on!


Amy Reaves Daley said...

Me too! I feel much better on routines! With kids, it all goes much smoother=sanity!

The Brooks said...

Agreed Amy! Thanks Tricia!

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